Tips to avoid bugs, breaking and issues

  • USE STABLE LTS software where possible. This may limit some features but is highly likely to give you a smooth experience.
  • ALWAYS BACKUP your important data (at least users home folder). Use seamless/automatic cloud services where possible. Do a manual whole PC backup if making scary system changes like resizing partitions.
  • Prefer software that has been UPDATED RECENTLY, and at the same time MATURE (has a large user base with feedback to developers and has plenty of development/testing time). Having said that, a lot of simpler old software that hasn’t been updated for a decade and doesn’t have a modern replacement can sometimes still work well (hence nobody bothered to make a modern replacement).
  • BE MINIMAL in customization and tweaks. With it's infinite customizability, it's easy to go overboard on Linux. Try not to get too nerdy and perfectionist when it's not absolutely necessary.
  • SOME MAINTENANCE may be required on your part occasionally. This could mean checking for new forks of, or alternatives to, newly unmaintained software are available. Some software may require manual updates.

Troubleshooting programs in general

  • Check if its latest supported build for your Linux version. If not, try an older or newer one.
  • Run the program with sudo.
  • Run the program from a terminal and check any log output
  • Check system Logs for any errors or warnings
  • Check for correct dependencies (e.g. Python version) and the correct version of those dependencies
  • Check permissions for program (especially Snap or other sandboxed applications)
  • Try a different install method (e.g. Snap, Flatpak), as they may bundle correct dependencies, have newer versions or offer more appropriate sandboxing.
  • Try to figure out what type of app it is (e.g. Python 2, Python 3, Qt, Qt Quick, GTK 2/3, java, Go) and check if other apps of the same type have similar issues on your system. You could check the docs, forums, or source code to find out. This will give you clues about what to search in order to find a solution.

Killing unresponsive processes, and how it differs from Windows

More info

  • Terminal interactive GUI:
    • htop which includes mouse support
  • Terminal manual commands:
    • Find process using ps or top
    • kill {pid} to kill a specific instance
    • killall {name} to kill all processes with this name
  • Desktop GUI:
    • Use the System Monitor app
    • In KDE press Ctrl + Esc to quickly bring up a list of apps which you can terminate.
    • You can also press Ctrl + Alt + Esc to bring up the window termination tool where you can click on any window to kill it.
  • If Desktop GUI (X11) is completely frozen
    • Wait for a while to see if it recovers. If not, try Ctrl + Alt + F2 to go to a pure shell.
  • About Un-killable processes:
    • If a process is in the D State (uninteruptable state/sleep or disk sleep) it can't be killed except by restartng your PC.
    • Usually a process in this state is waiting for I/O in the kernel and cannot be terminated.

Restart Gnome shell (GUI)

Simple method (if GUI responsive or you just installed something new):

  1. Press ALT + F2
  2. Type r
  3. Press Enter

Other methods:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch to terminal and log in
  2. Type DISPLAY=:0 gnome-shell -r &
  3. Type exit and press Alt+F1 to switch back to GUI.

Other methods.

Restart KDE shell (GUI)

  1. Open a terminal or if GUI is broken press Ctrl+Alt+F2 and log in
  2. kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell
  3. Type exit and press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go back to GUI if required

Restart display manager

sudo systemctl restart display-manager See more here

Distribution Upgrade

This is an upgrade going to a new major version. It is generally safe and takes around 30min to download and install.

Important considerations:

  • Backup all data in the home folder at least.
  • Ensure all packages are up to date.
  • You cannot roll back the update.
  • Usually all custom repositories will be disabled during upgrade which you can later re-enable.
  • Some packages may be removed, it will tell you which before proceeding.
  • Some packages and settings will break, particularly Gnome extensions and themes or icons. You can go to the Gnome extensions web interface and update/reinstall them, or find updated versions (often manually installed from the git repo).
  • If you dual boot Windows with Bitlocker, have your Bitlocker recovery key handy as you might need it next time you boot Windows.

Software issues and quirks

Middle mouse button pastes (and selecting text copies)

This can be a very annoying (and embarrasing) "feature" which has been built into X11 for a long time and cannot be disabled. It can be partially disabled in many Gnome apps using a setting in Gnome Tweak Tool, but otherwise if you want it globally disabled, you need to use a workaround. The simplist is to install XMousePasteBlock, then add xmousepasteblock to your Startup Applications.

System Time is different on Windows vs Linux on a dual boot PC

Windows sets the hardware real-time clock (RTC) as local time instead of other OS which set RTC time as UTC then convert it to local time in software. Hence every time you go back and forth between OS, it changes.

To force Linux to set RTC time as local instead of UTC, you can run this command:

timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock

Run timedatectl again to check settings. Run the same command replacing the 1 with 0 to undo the setting.

Some Qt based GUI apps look ugly/different, not using OS theme:

Using Qt5 Configuration Tool to apply the theme you want:

  1. sudo apt install qt5ct

  2. sudo nano /etc/environment and add the following line:

  3. Restart the system

  4. Now open the Qt5 Configuration Tool and choose a gtk2 or another theme

Unfortunately this can cause issues when using a dark theme with some apps that override text colors as you end up with black text on a dark background. In this case you can force those apps to specifically use a light theme by running with -style Fusion

Some text in Qt apps too looks small/big/misaligned ugly

Noticed this issue in Kdenlive running on a 4K display in Kubuntu. It appears to be an issue with segments of the applications built using Qt Quick, when the DE global screen scaling setting is non-integer (e.g. 1.5 or 150%). Also noticed a mouse-over alignment issue with Emoji Picker in KDE.

A workaround is to run the app forcing the scaling to an integer value using an environment variable:


You can also try other variables to get the look you want.

Resize Linux or Windows partition to re-arrange space

  • You need a bootable USB drive with gparted on it and preferably also Clonezilla to do a full disk backup onto an external USB drive. I use a USB stick with DRBL which includes everything required.
  • If you have Bitlocker encryption on the Windows parition, you must first log into Windows and disable it, then wait for the drive to decrypt before preceeding with resize.
  • If you have Secure Boot enabled in your BIOS, you will likely need to disable that as well in order to boot from a USB drive.
  • WARNING: risk of data loss! Backup everything. Highly recommend doing a full-disk backup onto an external USB using Clonezilla FIRST
  • If you need to resize a LUKS partition after upgrading to a larger SSD, see here.
  • It might take a very long time to resize. On a very fast nvme drive it took about 12 minutes to resize a 250GB partition, but slower PCs or larger drives could take hours.
  • If your PC fails to boot after resize, DONT PANIC. This often happens with older systems as the OS partition moved and bootloader cant find it. The solution is usually to reinstall GRUB bootloader on the /boot partition (and /boot/efi for modernUEFI boot). Check here for solutions. If your LUKS encrypted file system fails to boot, check here.
  • When ready, follow the steps here to resize, beginning step 2 if you already have your own boot USB with gparted on it.
  • If your PC suddenly boots very slowly after changes, see below.

Network (ethernet) doesnt work after upgrading hardware or motherboard (or swapping SSD to another PC)

First run ip a and lshw -C network to see if you can find your ethernet adapter (it might show up as DISABLED). If you dont find it at all, try upgrading your kernel if its older than your hardware.

If you do see it (usually starts with en...) and it is DISABLED, then edit your netplan configurations (which are files under /etc/netplan/*.yaml) to include it or rename the old en... from your previous hardware to the new one you found when running the lshw or ip command above.

Very basic working example for ethernet adapter called eno1, add your static IP, gateways etc here if required

  version: 2
      dhcp4: true

After adding your ethernet adapter to the netplan config, optionally test the settings out with sudo netplan try which will timeout after 120 seconds and revert to the previous if you dont press enter to accept the changes before then.

Once you are happy with it, run the following to apply the settings persistently:

sudo netplan --debug apply
sudo systemctl restart network-manager

Now if you run ip a you should see an ip address. If not, just reboot the PC and check your router for the device and check DHCP and ip reservation on the router if required.

If you are using Virtual Box, check the network adapters (Bridged or NAT) for your VMs to ensure they are using the correct network device.

Boot up is suddenly very slow (30-60 seconds)

This can happen after resizing/moving/copying disks or partitions or changing/deleting OS. Usually the culprit is a broken entry in the fstab file e.g. a disk UUID which no longer exists or changed.

sudo blkid #lists current IDs
sudo vi /etc/fstab

Then correct the fstab file based on what you see in blkid. If you still have issues you may need to re-install grub on that device.

Notification-area/Tray icon not showing up for an app you installed in Ubuntu

For example Skype and XPad may have this issue as they use an older API for showing the icons which Gnome has now dropped. To support legacy icons, install the TopIcons extension.

HiDPi displays, high density display, retina display, fractional scaling support

So far Kubuntu (KDE) has the best support for high density displays scaling that I tested. Ubuntu Gnome also has good support since 20.04 but it may reduce performance or require a good GPU.

Nautilus (Gnome file manager) issues, restart file manager (equivalent of Windows explorer restart)

Usually fixes intermittent issues such as:

  • Mouse pointer stuck

  • File manager unresponsive

  • Drag and drop stops working

  • Desktop icons disappear

    pkill nautilus

    Bring back desktop:

    nautilus-desktop &

Another Nautilus issue that can arise is that it freezes when typing a letter in the search bar. This is usually caused by a problem with the search indexing service, and can also cause a constant high background CPU usage by a process called tracer-miner-fs-3. To fix this issue, restart the indexer by typing:

tracker3 reset -s

Python 2 applications not loading

Some older applications, which are not maintained, still use python 2 which has been discontinued in favour of Python 3. Look for more recent forks where a new maintainer may have taken over and updated it (e.g. PDF Shuffler > PDF Arranger). If there is no Python 3 option, try one of the following:

  • If you have the script (.py) then run python2 [script-filename]
  • If the app launcher is installed via script in some directory on your PATH (e.g. /usr/bin/) then run:
  • which [name-of-launcher-bin] (to get the full path to it)
  • sudo nano [full-path-launcher-bin]
  • Edit the line near the top ("shebang" line) which looks like #!/usr/bin/python, changing it to specify Python 2, e.g. #!/usr/bin/python2

Repeated “System program problem detected” prompt, often on login/boot

There may be system crash reports which are failing to send. Check the /var/crash/ directory and try deleting them all:

sudo rm /var/crash/*

App Armor

App Armor is a sandboxing method that protects the kernel and system from harmful programs or errors/bugs in programs. Various profiles are loaded for apps with different levels of access. Install apparmor-extra-profiles and apparmor-utils for full usage. More info.

You may notice the file search in KDE file manager (Dolphin) shows file search results instantaneously, however it only looks in the users home folder and is missing hidden files and certain types of files. To improve this, you need to adjust settings of the Baloo file indexer which is running in the background by editing ~/.config/baloofilerc.

Options for a more complete/dynamic file search:

  • KFind. Similar to Windows (install by clicking “More Search Tools” in Dolphin)
  • FSearch. Similar to Everything Search Engine tool for Windows. Instant search with fast indexing and regex support. You will need to set up which folders it searches in first time you run it, and it could take a minute to build the initial database (or a few seconds on a NVMe SSD).
  • find built in terminal command
  • fd or fdfind terminal command
  • fzf. The ultimate search tool for terminal (or in general).
    • This tool searches through text not file systems, so you can feed it any file or output of a command, such as one of the above file search commands, in order to search through just about anything.
    • To understand why it's so amazing, watch this great video.
    • Search through files in current dir: find | fzf
    • Search through files in home: find ~ | fzf
    • Search contents of any text file: cat ~/.bashrc | fzf
    • Search for a file then open it in vim: vim $(find | fzf)
    • If you run fzf, by default it will search through all non hidden files in current directory.
    • To change its default edit environment variable FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND

Hide Windows partition from Linux file manager

Find the name of the windows partition (something like /dev/sda1)

sudo fdisk -l

Edit this file:

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hide-partitions.rules

Add this line, replacing sda1 with name of Windows partition:


Optionally, run this to refresh:

sudo udevadm trigger --verbose

Flatpak or Gnome/GTK apps dont match system theme (and monitor scaling) in KDE Plasma

Find and install theme using flatpak to match your OS theme (more info) e.g.

flatpak install flathub org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Breeze-Dark

Then go to System Settings > Application Style > Gnome/GTK Application Style and set the theme

Fix unreadable text issues in some apps (Foxit) in KDE dark theme

I startup a light KDE theme and system creates a ~/.kde with light configurations. Then I renamed this folder to ~/.kde-light and startup a KDE with dark theme and system create a new ~/.kde with dark configurations.

In file FoxitReader.desktop, I update the following line to use .kde-light folder:

Exec=KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde-light /home/user/programs/foxitreader/ %F

Use Windows/Meta key as a shortcut in KDE

It is disabled by default. Install and run ksuperkey to bind it to Alt+F1 which you can assign to any action as per normal. Also add ksuperkey to startup applications.

Stop Discover from showing up on login

Run the following to hide the application window when it starts (will still show in tray) 'Hidden=true' >> ~/.config/autostart/

Hardware issues and quirks

Monitor does not turn back on after resume from sleep

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card, you might need to make a small change to grub. Or try some of the other solutions on that link. You may also find that blindly typing your password and hitting enter to unlock the PC might turn it back on.

You can also try this script to switch to TTY before and after suspend, although it is old and did not work for me.

What did finally work for me on Kubuntu and AMD discrete graphics + Intel embedded GPU (didnt have the issue on a laptop with Intel graphics only), was to enable BIOS setting for ACPI PCIe OS support.

Monitor turns back on again 5 seconds after going into power save (DPMS)

This could be due to a long standing issue relating to a conflict between gnome-power-manager and DPMS (display power management). There is discussion here.

However there are other causes as well. For me it was actually the Input Source Auto-select function on my Dell monitor that caused the monitor to wake back up again. I simply disabled this on the monitors OSD and it was fine after that. You can test whether it it specific to your laptop display or your monitor by seeing if it works find with one or the other disabled/disconnected.

Touchscreen on some devices isn’t perfect

UPDATE: actually works ok on Ubuntu 20.04 xwindows out of the box.

TIP: If you have a convertible tablet (e.g. Surface Pro) and you often use it with touch-only, make sure you start with an appropriate Desktop Environment. The best I have tried is Gnome 3.x (default Ubuntu) and I heard Deepin is also good. With Gnome you should add the accessibility settings to system tray which allows quickly toggling onscreen keyboard and large fonts, when you want "tablet mode"

For touch screen devices like Surface Pro, Wacom, Dell touch screen laptops, you may want to use Pinch zoom, drag and rotate documents/images smoothly using touch etc. By default this may not work in Ubuntu as it may be using the wrong driver which recognises touch as a mouse, not as touch events. Try below to fix it:

sudo nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-wacom.conf

Find and remove the section below, then save and restart:

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Wacom touchscreen class"
MatchProduct "Wacom|WACOM|PTK-540WL|ISD-V4"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
MatchIsTouchscreen "true"
Driver "wacom"

If it still doesn’t work, try removing the USB section as well or instead.

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Wacom USB touchscreen class"
MatchUSBID "056a:*"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
MatchIsTouchscreen "true"
Driver "wacom"

Some actions like pinch rotate and palm rejection in Krita are not as good as the Wayland, but dont bother with Wayland, too many bugs and compatibility issues. To get around lack of palm rejection just turn off touch and use pen input only. Most other apps should work ok. Google Chrome browser somehow works perfectly.

Once you remove the above, Ubuntu will default to the libinput driver which works OK.


Using WiDi or miracast

Currently does not work but there are some potential avenues:

Webcams built into laptops

Many built in webcams using MIPI or other non-USB interfaces don’t seem to be fully supported, even though kernel support (MIPI CSI) is being worked on. In addition to kernel support they also need user software which controls them. However most Logitech and generic USB webcams supporting UVC will work fine without a driver.

I personally use a Logitech C930e USB webcam and Webcamoid software to control hardware settings such as zoom and pan. For a CLI settings tool which works even while the camera is running, try V4L2-CTL.

Alternatively, check out section 9. Cool Hardware Stuff of this document, for a way to use your smartphone as a wireless or wired webcam.

Slow copying of files to USB drive

I noticed this happening on automounted USB drive on a headless Ubuntu server, it was painfully slow for a USB Samsung T5 SSD. To fix it I used umount and mount commands to manually remount the drive while plugged in then used rsync and it was blazing fast. See more tips here.

Some Audio input devices functionality

Some complications you will run into with using audio input and output on Linux:

  • Plugging a headset with MIC into a 4-pole 3.5mm headphone jack usually works for audio output but you might have issues with mic input. To fix the MIC issue try one of these:
    • Add options snd-hda-intel model=dell-headset-multi to the bottom of your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file and reboot, then see if you can select "Headset Microphone" mode when you re-insert your 3.5mm jack headset.
    • OR try one of these solutions. Specifically install alsa-tools-gui and run hdajackretask then find your sound card, leave all overrides un-ticked and press "Install boot override" and reboot PC.
  • Bluetooth headsets with MIC usually work for high quality audio output but not simultaneous mic input for BT 4.0 devices and PCs. You might get bidirectional Bluetooth audio with a lower quality BT profile (i.e. mono telephone quality). In BT 5.0 devices this issue might be fixed (but requires both the device and PC to use BT 5.0).
  • The current stable version of the pulseaudio driver only supports the most basic SBC codec for Bluetooth audio. If you want use a higher quality BT audio codec such as aptX or LDAC, you need to wait for the upcoming version of pulseaudio or install a 3rd party codec integration for your system (to remove this, uninstall the packages and reinstall the original pulseaudio-module-bluetooth).
  • USB wired headsets or DACs with generic drivers tend to be the best option.

Printers, scanners and multifunction

Network printers and scanners, such as HP Officejet, work pretty well. USB printers and scanners not so much due to proprietary drivers and software.

Network Printer is detected but doesnt work, or has stopped working

This is fairly typical of autodetected networked printers and Windows seems to have the same issue. The best way to add a printer is to remove any autodetected printers and manually add the printer via its LAN IP address (first ensure the printer IP is static/reserved on your network). Linux uses CUPS to manage printers. To do this:

  1. Open http://localhost:631 in your web browser to configure CUPS server (your distro might provide a GUI tool to manage printers, but I suggest sticking to the web interface for consistency).
  2. Go to the Printers tab and delete the non-functional printer
  3. Go to Administration > Add Printer and wait until it finishes detecting your network
  4. You might see multiple copies of your network printer detected, you want to pick the one that gives you a socket://{IP address}:9100 type connection string after continue next page, so might take some trial and error. If you dont find it, try manually adding an AppSocket connection and enter your socket://{IP address}:9100 connection.
  5. On the next page, select your driver based on printer model. Again, may be some trial and error to see which driver works. I have an HP printer and the hpcups drivers worked, driverless did not.
  6. Print a test page, and if it works, set it as default. If not, try a different driver or connection.

Hibernate does not work

Hibernate function saves current RAM contents to disk and shuts down PC, and then restores everything when you power back on (passing through POST, GRUB etc). It is disabled by default due to potential bugs and data-loss due to hardware differences.

Run systemctl hibernate or pm-hibernate to see if you can hibernate.

If not, try below:

  • First check whether you have Secure Boot enabled in your PCs UEFI Bios. If so, hibernation is not possible, as you cannot boot with anything but directly from a signed Kernel, as Ubuntu does not have a way to sign hibernation images. You can disable Secure Boot, which will not decrease security as long as all of your OS partitions are encrypted (e.g. LUKS or Windows Bitlocker).
  • Next, re-enable hibernation.
  • Ensure your RAM contents fit inside the free swapfile space before hibernating, by checking the System Monitor, OR just make your swapfile size 1.5x your RAM to be safe.

CPU Governer, throttling, fan spin-up/down, temperature idle/peak concerns

The driver for throttling CPU is built into the Linux kernel. You may notice the fan and/or CPU temperatures are somehow different to when you use Windows due to different ways the CPU throttling is handled. If you want some control or to monitor this, try one of these tray utilities which can also be set to set different CPU throttling modes based on battery vs plugged in:

Adjusting GPU frequency

If you have a low power Intel GPU and you find the graphics in Ubuntu animation slightly choppy, try sudo apt install intel-gpu-tools and run sudo intel_gpu_frequency -g to see your current GPU frequency. You can force to higher frequency by running sudo intel_gpu_frequency -m and wait a few seconds and see if that helps. It may decrease battery life so run sudo intel_gpu_frequency -d to reset to defaults if running on battery.

Read this article for deeper explanation about GPU scaling.

Video Encoding/Decoding is slow or laggy or drops frames (e.g. slow OBS streaming, encoder failure)

You may need to enable hardware video encoding/decoding or install a driver which enables it. For example if FFMPEG VAAPI encoding fails in OBS, then most likely you are missing the right driver. I have an Intel UHD Graphics 620 GPU and I needed to install intel-medi-va-driver-non-free, which replaces the default installed intel-medi-va-driver, then reboot. The performance boost with video capture is massive.

sudo apt install intel-media-va-driver-non-free

Firefox video decoding (e.g. youtube) slow or CPU intensive

For whatever reason, GPU video acceleration is disabled by default in Ubuntu Firefox. To enable it, depending on your GPU, follow these instructions (or a more detailed version). You can benchmark CPU usage by playing an intensive video before and after the changes. To monitor GPU usage, depending on your GPU, try radeontop, nvtop, or intel_gpu_top. To monitor CPU usage: htop.

You probably also want to install additional non free codecs: sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Force any app to run on dedicated GPU (NVIDIA)

Try running switcherooctl [app] e.g. switcherooctl kdenlive

Some apps run in graphic mode, others in Compute mode.

apt-get update shows warnings about trusted.gpg keyring being depricated

For example:

W: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.

This is caused by running sudo apt-key add commands to store keys in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg which is now deprecated, so avoid this in future. Instead they should be stored in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d using

To move existing keys to the new suggested location:

  1. Run sudo apt-key list and note the keys listed under /etc/apt/trusted.gpg, then for each of those keys listed in trusted.gpg: run sudo apt-key del XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is the last 8 characters of the key listed with the list command. This will remove the existing keys from trusted.gpg. Now when you run sudo apt-key list again, there should be nothing under /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.

  2. Now download and run this script. That should get the keys for all major trusted repositories.

  3. Run sudo apt update again and check for errors such as The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY BE3E6EA534E8243F If you see any, then for each one, take note of the last 16 characters of that line after NO_PUBKEYand then do:

    1. Google the app name plus "public key file" and download it (e.g. a .pub, or .asc text file usually containing -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- on its first line).

    2. Run gpg --dearmour [pub file name], replacing [pub file name] with the name of the file you downloaded above. This will give you a .gpg file.

    3. Rename the .gpg file to [last 16 characters after NO_PUBKEY].gpg, using the 16 characters from the warning message in step 3 above.

    4. Copy the renamed .gpg file to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d (use sudo).

  4. Now you should be able to run sudo apt update without errors.

Other warnings include N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' stable InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386' which can be fixed by adding [arch=amd64] after deb in the either the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ file or /etc/apt/sources.list.

Limits on file watchers, inotify limit reached

If you get errors about this, the app you are trying to run has passed the default limit of inotify (about 65k). The way to fix it is to increase the limit setting.